Design a technical solution and adapted workflows for news production 


The Polytechnic University of Bucharest was looking for a full news production system and associated workflows for its upcoming channel Euronews Romania.


Euronews’ put together its news production expert team responsible for the deployment of 12 different news channels and prepared a public request for proposal.


Deploy the expert team

Handpicked news production veterans to strategize the entire news production value chain.

Explore technologies

The news production technology market evolves drastically every year. Combining on premises and cloud based solutions make for the perfect news production hybrid systems. Which one to choose?

RFP write up and elements

Working hand in hand with its partner in Bucharest, both teams combined best in class technology with user based workflows to come up with a full RFP.


Euronews teams in conjunction with the partner designed with a full technical solution answering user needs providing for a fully automated news production system.

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